About me

Small Biography

My name is Alona — Helen Hёrst is a nickname for some reason actually unknown to me.

I was born 2d of November 1988 in Saransk, Russia.

I am a single child and spent my childhood in my home city. Already at school I have noticed my aptitude for foreign languages – I learned English, German and Latin, which became my favorite subjects.
Young people in Russia usually finish school with 16 or 17, so already with 16 (2005) I started my studies at Mordovian (Mordovia is the name of the Russian region) University at the faculty of foreign languages with the main focus in German.


After two years of studies (2007) I left Russia to see the country of Goethe, Strauss, “Scorpions” and other famous people. My first year abroad I lived in a very nice German family near Heidelberg. I really loved German lifestyle. So I decided to start new studies in the new country. Since I strongly dislike staying at the same place for too long I’ve chosen as my main focus management of tourism at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen.
In my first year there I started to learn Spanish. In the third I went to Spain as an exchange (Erasmus) student. The first semester 2010 I have been studying at the University of Carlos III of Madrid (Universidad Carlos III) and the second one doing my internship in the German Touristic Office in the same city since I fell in love with my Madrid.

Now I am kind of cosmopolitan person. I speak 4,5 languages (I also have started to learn French while being in Spain), still listen to rock music and have friends all around the world. But still I visit my Motherland 1 or 2 times a year and never forget my friends and relatives there.

Hel. H., have a nice day :)

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