My 22d summer has been really diverse because of many trips I made and pretty relaxed since I didn’t have to work. It has started in hot and sunny Madrid and continued with the great trip to Barcelona after which I left Spain where I spent 10 incredible months of my life. Just from Madrid I went to Russia, to my home city Saransk.
My vacation in the home city started with the question: “why does everybody speak Russian here?” and finished at the train station with traditional tears accompanied by the army of my best friends and family.
Saransk met me closing for reconstruction almost all central streets. Someone even joked that our government hasn’t played enough Lego in childhood.
For almost six weeks, I managed to do a lot of things. I had lots of sleep and great grandma’s food, met most of my friends and made some new ones. I visited my aunt in Samara, where I got tanned, swam in the Volga and accidentally drank some of its water (iiihhhh). I had luck to attend the wedding of a great couple, which was showing happiness and absolute readiness to start family life.
Of course, there was some place for music too! My former band-colleagues from Megalomania have organized a new band called Nebo FM, which plays great lounge music, I was able to visit 2 of their concerts.
I definitely had luck with the weather — the Russian summer this year was nicely hot. By arrival in Germany I had to make sure the fact that there was no summer at all. But I didn’t really have time for sadness – I had next trip before.
My summer ended with the fabulous week in Helsinki, Finland — city, I absolutely fell in love with. Now I understand why do the Finns have the most sensual and beautiful music. (well, at least metal). It’s all in the nature, which is surprisingly close and transparent here.
Now I am in Bremen again. My room looks like my room a year ago and nothing in particular has changed. It seems like there was no year …
And today, 5th September 2011, by the way – is the 65th birthday of my spiritual mentor, the greatest singer of all times and irreplaceable Queen frontman Freddie Mercury.
It’s really good to see that today, after almost 20 years since Freddie has gone, people still love and listen to his music. Around the world, there are organized parties in honor of today’s holiday, famous people congratulate Freddie, and even Google has made a very nice Doodle (all quickly go to Google, there’s not much time left!)
I may seem arrogant, but for me Freddie … he’s a very close person. His voice has been with me my whole life since I can remember; only the songs of Queen can draw me from life’s gray stripes. I still remember my happiness about each new rewrite of the audio or video tapes, and sadness due to the worst penalty: tonight you will not see the Queen-video!
So, happy birthday, dear friend and mentor! I wouldn’t be myself without you.